Wednesday 11 December 2019

Getting your message across

We can’t always be “Johnny on the spot” to field every telephone call in person. At busy times phones can ring out or callers tire of waiting on the line listening to the ring tone. So they give you “the flick’” and take their custom elsewhere.

 Calls lost mean business lost. That’s why it’s essential to have an efficient Message Queue Service. With business telephones this starts with the On Hold facility which can range from yukky chimes to a captivating program of music and messages.

Relying on MOM

Our modern data-cluttered world of IT has long depended on various queueing formats to provide a store-and-forward message service. This is referred to as message-oriented middleware (MOM) where messages are sent via a transport service.

The service delivers the message as far down the pipeline as possible and when the next step in the route is busy, offline or otherwise unavailable, the message is placed in a queue.
You could say a Message Queue Service is a bit like communicating by email or the old snail-mail. Another example would be voice mail.

The message still gets through but unlike a telephone conversation or a face to face Snapchat or Skype the sender and receiver of the message are not connected in real time.

Projecting the company image

As callers placed On Hold hear your messages from a recorded source you risk losing the impact of person to person communication.

Unfortunately some company’s After Hours Message or On Hold program can be treated as an after-thought. All too often it’s a “rushed job” that’s been poorly scripted and roughly recorded using an amateur voice over by the Receptionist or a willing staffer.
That’s simply not good enough. It presents a sloppy image and opens the door to all your competitors to outshine your professionalism.

Get the experts in your corner

Media Group are the business audio specialists. When you need an effective On Hold program, a Welcome Message, an After Hours Message or a detailed Auto Attendant recording you need to talk with Media Group. They will equip your phone with quality messages that reinforce and enhance your desired image.

You’ll get to choose from a range of professional male and female voice over talent. Your scripts will be expertly written for you in accordance with your instructions and everything will be handled efficiently on-line.

Jump the queue and make it happen. Go to

Monday 18 November 2019

Radio Advertising Services & Commercials

Take your audio to a higher level

Standing apart from the also-rans is a primary goal in any advertising or promotional campaign. Running with the crowd is a formula for certain failure. All too often it happens without being noticed until the bottom line begins to bleed.

Media Group, the business audio specialist helps companies side-step the traps of mediocrity and complacency by providing Radio Advertising Services & Commercials with soundtracks for success.

Before venturing into the pre-production arena for any TV commercial or radio campaign examine the advantages Media Group will bring to the table. 

Coming up with that voice

Sometimes the break through impact of an ad campaign can be instantly achieved by choosing the right voice over artist. 

You might be in a market where the same voices are in constant use. Perhaps you are working through a local radio or TV station where the choice is usually limited to a few announcer voices. 

With Media Group in your corner you’ll make that essential breakthrough in Radio Advertising Services & Commercials with flair.

When it comes to choosing voice over artists, going down the same track over and over is not going to help with your goal of getting noticed. For variety you have to cast a wider net.

Media Group provides access to a myriad choice of male and female voice artists. These are experienced professionals and they are just a click or screen tap away.

Get on line and get it all

Don’t muck about. Start your auditions online by listening to sample recordings of the available voice talent.  To help narrow your search you’ll find all the voices classified and categorised by gender, age group, style and country (accent).

There’s also a brief description of the voice’s character to assist in your decision. For example the voice might be “Fresh, bright, retail” or “Warm, friendly and believable”.

As soon as you think you have identified the voice you need, send for an online free quote. You will be surprised at the reasonable costs involved. 

If you are preparing a campaign or planning to use the voice for a minimum sixty seconds you can request a free demo.

Media Group will arrange for your chosen voice to record an extract from your script so you can be 100% sure of your decision. Too easy.

Breakout of the routine. Go to