Thursday 30 June 2022

After Hours Voicemail Script For Business


Just because the sun has set doesn’t mean you’ve closed the business. Life goes on and opportunities arise. However your After Hours Voicemail Script For Business might be chasing callers away.

It happens all the time with Voicemail greetings that sound like they were penned in the middle of a train crash and recorded by someone crawling from the wreckage.


Over the years you’ve probably heard some pretty poor examples of what passes for an After Hours Voicemail Script For Business. Hopefully as you read this you are not recalling some of your own recorded disasters.

What starts as a straight forward task of writing the script becomes a minefield of fiddling doubt. In the morning you work on the wording. After a review perhaps you drop in an extra comma. Then later in the day you decide to take that comma out? (apologies to Oscar Wilde).

Finally when you tire of fiddling with the phrases you take a big breath and hit record. That’s probably the last you think of it. Big mistake! Remember that message is representation of you and your company.

You both deserve better. Especially in regard to your “business image”. It’s time to call on the audio expertise of Media Group NZ.


The team at Media Group NZ will create your scripts with that inimitable je ne sais quoi. That certain creative flair that helps build on your unique personality and differentiates you from competitors.

It’s so simple to have it done better. Tell Media Group NZ what you want to say and they will tell you how best to say it. When you have approved the wording for the script you’ll get to select the ideal voice to record your Voicemail greetings.

Online you’ll be able to listen to sample recordings from a wide range of professional male and female voice over artists. Make your choice and set the wheels in motion.

With everything happening online you’ll have your new Voicemail recordings delivered with minimum fuss and time saving ease.

Start here and give your image a boost with a professionally produced After Hours Voicemail Script For Business.

Friday 17 June 2022

Message On Hold Price


A well-scripted and fluently delivered on-hold message can go a long way in providing your business with a plethora of happy callers and also enhances your brand image.

Read on as we tell you about the benefits of such messages and on hold messaging pricing.

What are the benefits of On-Hold Message?

Benefits of having on-hold messages:

  • Such messages help in enhancing your business image.
  • You can inform your callers about your newly launched offers and discounts.
  • On-hold messages give you a great opportunity for sales.
  • Let your customers know about any latest development in your organization.

There are many more benefits of on-hold messages that will surely compel you to incorporate such messages in your call to keep your callers engaged.

Pricing of On-Hold Messages:

Now let’s discuss the pricing of such messages. Custom on-hold message prices are usually based on how often you would like to update your messages. This can be on a half-yearly or a yearly basis. So, the big question arises how often should you update your on-hold messages?

Well, you can go for a couple of productions per year that will be good for your business. It will be especially helpful if your business is in its nascent stages. Later on, you can go with a proactive marketing approach on a quarterly or monthly basis.

On hold messaging pricing depends on your target audience and the repeat callers that you get.

One Message will not go every time:

If you frequently have to share information about your products or services with your customers then the one-size-fits-all philosophy will do no good to you. You need to have different messages for varied occasions. Say for example you want to change your on-hold message for different seasons or on special occasions or festivals, you need to have a different script every time and also a different tone of voice, etc.

Connect With Our Experts:

You can connect with our experts and choose the best on-hold message plan that best suits your business needs. They will tell you everything about on hold messaging pricing and also help you pick the best plan.

Final Thoughts!

Needless to say, on-hold phone messages will make a great impression whenever your customers will call. We give you top-quality messages that are also affordable. Our on hold messaging pricing will not burn a hole in your pocket.

Plus, we give you professionally scripted messages with licensed music, top-quality voice talent, dedicated customer service, etc. Whatever system you have, we give you the excellent solution and the best sound quality for your on-hold messages.

Get in touch with us and get the best quote now.

Thursday 2 June 2022

Short Voicemail Message

Voicemail is one area in business where most of us can do a whole lot better. It’s far too easy to come across as just another also ran.

However, even Short Voicemail message provide an opportunity for you to stand out as fully professional and committed to your clients, suppliers and customers.


It’s too easy to take the low road and just fill in the blanks. By that I mean adapting the template on the phone system by just inserting your name. Don’t just settle for the “Hello you’ve called (insert name). Leave your number and I’ll get back to you”.

The other temptation is to just use the one Voicemail as the all-purpose panacea. That means you are really missing a chance to demonstrate to callers that you are on top of every situation.


You can have Short Voicemail message to suit the different situations that happen. You might be attending to another call but will be available shortly. Let the caller know what’s occurring and reassure them you will return their call ASAP.

When you are out for the day. Away on vacation. It might be holiday season so you can include a best wishes for Xmas, Easter, the Lunar New Year or whatever.

If you’re away at an important industry conference, there is always good mileage in letting people know you are keeping abreast of changes.

Aside from not taking advantage of the situation to communicate, if you persist in using the template approach you reinforce the “I don’t give a s—t” attitude that ruins business relations.

The problem is made more acute because the message abruptly changes from that of a professional announcer to the sound of your “dropped-in” recording.

Welcome to “Amateurville”!


People want to do business with well organised professional people. So maximise the impact you can make by having your Voicemail Greetings written and produced by experts using professional male and female voice over artists.

Media Group NZ are business audio specialists. You can brief them on what messages you would like to record and have their copywriters create the scripts.

Then listen to the online samples of the voice over artists available and select the voice or voices you want to be heard as representing you and your business.

You can take the same professional approach to all your telephone audio including Welcome Messages, On Hold Messages, Menu Prompts and more. It just takes a click or tap to get it happening.