Thursday 20 October 2022

Voice Acting Nz

 New Zealand voice over agency is creators and entertainers. We assist with bringing content, a story, to life. While your showcasing video probably won't need the voice-over abilities of an absolute, high-profile star, you'll, in any case, believe your information should be passed on as imagined.

Need a calming voice to showcase your resting sound machine? Might it be said that you are searching for a Morgan-Freeman-type voice for your effective public assistance declaration?

Since New Zealand voice over agency provides proper great assistance, they can adjust and bring flexibility that the normal individual can't.

Media Group's innovative senior producer is a voice-over artist. Their vocation began with acting, singing, and coordinating classes in school. Over the long haul, her professional way drove her to learn after-creation strategies and programming for both video and sound.

Being on the creation side of media-trained her on the tones and accentuation to tune in for and the nature of a recording.

After enough clients began keeping their scratch tracks (impermanent voice peruses that an illustrator or video editorial manager uses to time their video until the last, proficient voice is recorded), it became clear that she had an ability for voice acting. Many voice-overs (VO) artisans of the New Zealand voice over agency start their vocations.

Besides being entertainers, voice artisans are regularly likewise solid architects who can tidy up their sound, ace it, or even add music, contingent upon a task's requirements. We additionally may have their own studio space and recording hardware (more on this in the blink of an eye).

We're experts who comprehend a client's necessities according to a business viewpoint, including regarding the client's time and correspondence inclinations.

Other than the impressive skill of the actual voice, the appropriate hardware and innovation used to catch a voice-over build the general nature of a video. There's a major contrast between recording sound on your iPhone and keeping sound on a top-notch mouthpiece in a sound-treated room. Numerous expert voice abilities have their recording hardware. Some even have their own sound recording stalls.

This implies you have the capacity and choice of recruiting the right voice-over craftsman for your venture in any place they might be. Also, New Zealand voice over agency is all over the place and are accessible at most times.

Thursday 6 October 2022

Funny Voicemail Greetings Audio


Growing up as an arrogant country lad it never occurred to me that what I find hilariously amusing might cause outrage and offense to others. Particularly to those from cultures with customs I still struggle to accommodate.

So when the subject of Funny Voicemail Messages entered the conversation I was all ears.

I am always amused by the word “funny!” It’s one of those unfortunate members of the English language that derives its meaning from context.

My dear Mum would have questioned, “Is that funny peculiar or funny ha-ha?”


Let’s keep in mind that Voicemail is a communication device most commonly used in business. It is sort of a “21st-century calling card”.

When your call goes through to Voicemail you might be greeted by a pre-recorded message. Ideally, at your workplace, that recording will have been carefully scripted and spoken by a professional voice artist.

While answering your call and recording a message the ulterior function of Voicemail is to help discourage callers from phoning a competitor.


There is always room here to add humor but the wise writer will adhere to the same guidelines as advertising regarding “risk and reward”.

He or she must balance the risk of offending and going unnoticed against the reward of standing out from the ordinary.

If you go down the route of leaving Funny Voicemail Messages on your company phone system, you had better have a good stock of jokes on rotation. Otherwise, your regular callers may tire of the gags.

On the other side, if you intend to leave a funny message on a Voicemail bank, still ensure you include the basics; your name, company, and contact number.

If you’re calling a rubber dinghy manufacturer, try using a talking duck to leave the voicemail message.

By now you should be evaluating the risk and responsibility equation mentioned earlier. Will the “the duck voice” help get a callback?

Media Group NZ knows that to get results you have to put more into your Voicemail messages. There’s probably a formula that equates to the degree of effort required to achieve a tangible result.

Voicemail. Just one more area of expertise at