Thursday 17 November 2022

Radio Commercial Ad Script Example

 Traditionally radio has been regarded as the “theatre of the mind”. Even today in a world of computer generated imagery and 3D animation the little old radio still competes with visually based media.

The argument is swayed in favour of radio commercials because of the cost difference. Here’s a real example that illustrates how a Radio Commercial Script can become a reality regardless of the perceived production intricacy.


This example comes from the pen of Stan Freberg an American Creative Director and legendary voice artist.

When commissioned to create a promotional campaign to highlight the advantages of radio advertising versus Television, Mr Freberg had the listener “transported” to the shores of Lake Michigan.

The sound effects throughout the commercial help to suspend disbelief and develop the imagery of an actual event of mammoth proportions.

On top of the drone of a squadron of B29 bombers the announcer orders the draining of the lake and we hear a command to refill the lake with whipped cream.

Finally the order is given to drop a giant maraschino cherry right on top of the mountain of whipped cream.

We hear the prolonged whistle of the giant cherry as it hurtles down like a bomb culminating in a loud “sploosh” as it lands in the cream.

The announcer voice, now in a very tongue in cheek delivery says the words “Try doing that on television”.


While not every Radio Commercial Script is going to need that high-flying Madison Avenue magic, you can be sure of getting hardworking radio advertising written and produced by Media Group NZ.

Regarded throughout the advertising industry as the business audio specialists, the advantages of working with Media Group NZ will put you in the winner’s seat.

Begin with having your scripts written by one of a team of experienced copywriters. You will also have access to the widest possible selection of voice over talent.

The professional male and female voice artists at Media Group NZ come from all age groups and ethnic backgrounds. You can listen online to samples of the available talent at the website.

Take the stress out of preparing your radio commercials and your audio for TV spots, company videos, Website, telephone On Hold, After Hours’ messages and voicemail here at

Friday 4 November 2022

New Zealand Voiceover


New Zealand Voiceover arrangements are significant both for new businesses and enormous firms. Picking a specialist voice over the organization will build its market reach. A voice craftsman is a person who addresses your image's voice to individuals. Great voice surfaces generally have a dependable effect on audience members. It assists crowds with recalling a video and brand for quite a long time. Notwithstanding, to connect with voice-over, your image needs proficient voice administrations.


  • Carries Flexibility To Your Brand's Talent Pool

Employing another voice entertainer for each type is a misuse of capital. You want to get out of this circle and make a critical stride, all things being equal. This time, your image ought to interface with professional organizations.

  • The Authenticity of Voice That Adds Credibility

Corporate or advertising recordings needn't bother with the voice of conspicuous stars or artists. All things being equal, they need representatives that are legitimate and clear. Employing New Zealand Voiceover has made the group solid and adaptable for quite a long time. Likewise, brands needn't bother with vocalists or geniuses to gain believability for their recordings. They need to have an expert voice entertainer. Recruiting from a rumored voice-over organization will itself guarantee real help.

  • New Zealand Voiceover On Which Companies Can Rely On

Each brand out there needs an organization whose assistance they can trust. A sound naming administrations supplier that can finish the undertakings on time is valued all the time. Brands are least keen on preparing recently recruited voice entertainers for a long time. They need an organization that has both talented and capable craftsmen. Working close by such an organization will improve the work interaction. Moreover, it will likewise attach their organization's general activities. In this way, they can again confirm a sharp ascent in incomes.

  • Saves Time

No brand could at any point need to deplete their time and wreck their timetables except if they have picked some unacceptable organization to work with them. Choosing modest voice-over administrations will return adversely. Brands ought to dissect how wastage of time occurs for the most part. One out of multiple times, they will undoubtedly track down horrible programming as the principal reason. Other than that, there are inert equipment, absence of abilities, and other things. It's great to have an itemized conversation when associating with an expert sound naming administrations supplier. Posing whatever number of inquiries as could reasonably be expected is significant in different ways.

Having a deep understanding of the voice-over organization will help build a strong business association. Clients have a propensity for genuinely recollecting recordings and their voices. Hence, changing the voices behind your image recordings can diminish validity. Perhaps, your image won't ever arrive at that degree of brand mindfulness among the primary interest group.