Friday 23 December 2022

Sophisticated Voicemail Greetings

Voicemail is one area in business where most of us can do a whole lot better. It’s far too easy to come across as just another also ran.

However, even Sophisticated Voicemail Greetings provide an opportunity for you to stand out as fully professional and committed to your clients, suppliers and customers.


It’s too easy to take the low road and just fill in the blanks. By that I mean adapting the template on the phone system by just inserting your name. Don’t just settle for the “Hello you’ve called (insert name). Leave your number and I’ll get back to you”.

The other temptation is to just use the one Voicemail as the all-purpose panacea. That means you are really missing a chance to demonstrate to callers that you are on top of every situation.


You can have Sophisticated Voicemail Greetings to suit the different situations that happen. You might be attending to another call but will be available shortly. Let the caller know what’s occurring and reassure them you will return their call ASAP.

When you are out for the day. Away on vacation. It might be holiday season so you can include a best wishes for Xmas, Easter, the Lunar New Year or whatever.

If you’re away at an important industry conference, there is always good mileage in letting people know you are keeping abreast of changes.

Aside from not taking advantage of the situation to communicate, if you persist in using the template approach you reinforce the “I don’t give a s—t” attitude that ruins business relations.

The problem is made more acute because the message abruptly changes from that of a professional announcer to the sound of your “dropped-in” recording.

Welcome to “Amateurville”!


People want to do business with well organised professional people. So maximise the impact you can make by having your Voicemail Greetings written and produced by experts using professional male and female voice over artists.

Media Group NZ are business audio specialists. You can brief them on what messages you would like to record and have their copywriters create the scripts.

Then listen to the online samples of the voice over artists available and select the voice or voices you want to be heard as representing you and your business.

You can take the same professional approach to all your telephone audio including Welcome Messages, On Hold Messages, Menu Prompts and more. It just takes a click or tap to get it happening.

Friday 2 December 2022

Voice Over Auditions new zealand

New Zealand voice over agency is creators and entertainers. We assist with bringing content, a story, to life. While your showcasing video probably won't need the voice-over abilities of an absolute, high-profile star, you'll, in any case, believe your information should be passed on as imagined.

Need a calming voice to showcase your resting sound machine? Might it be said that you are searching for a Morgan-Freeman-type voice for your effective public assistance declaration?

Since New Zealand voice over agency provides proper great assistance, they can adjust and bring flexibility that the normal individual can't.

Media Group's innovative senior producer is a voice-over artist. Their vocation began with acting, singing, and coordinating classes in school. Over the long haul, her professional way drove her to learn after-creation strategies and programming for both video and sound.

Being on the creation side of media-trained her on the tones and accentuation to tune in for and the nature of a recording.

After enough clients began keeping their scratch tracks (impermanent voice peruses that an illustrator or video editorial manager uses to time their video until the last, proficient voice is recorded), it became clear that she had an ability for voice acting. Many voice-overs (VO) artisans of the New Zealand voice over agency start their vocations.

Besides being entertainers, voice artisans are regularly likewise solid architects who can tidy up their sound, ace it, or even add music, contingent upon a task's requirements. We additionally may have their own studio space and recording hardware (more on this in the blink of an eye).

We're experts who comprehend a client's necessities according to a business viewpoint, including regarding the client's time and correspondence inclinations.

Other than the impressive skill of the actual voice, the appropriate hardware and innovation used to catch a voice-over build the general nature of a video. There's a major contrast between recording sound on your iPhone and keeping sound on a top-notch mouthpiece in a sound-treated room. Numerous expert voice abilities have their recording hardware. Some even have their own sound recording stalls.

This implies you have the capacity and choice of recruiting the right voice-over craftsman for your venture in any place they might be. Also, New Zealand voice over agency is all over the place and are accessible at most times.