Friday 20 January 2023

How Many Words In A 30 Second Script

The number of lollies in the pack may be the same but have you noticed how the individual sweets have gone anorexic. The old wrappers are too large for the tiny new temptations. The same thing is happening on the radio.

The workhorse of radio advertising has long been the 30-second spot. But times have and are continuing to change. In particular, the time allotted for properly paced commercials is changing.

The sacred 30 seconds is under threat of erosion. As an endangered species, the radio 30 could soon turn out like the 15 and 20-second verbal blitzkrieg versions we see on free to air TV.


On a recent visit to the West Isle, there was a 5 second TV spot on Gold Coast television. Yes, a 5 second stand lone TV spot. Now here comes both the good and bad news. On the good side, I think it was for an online ad agency so it showed a certain brave new world approach.

The bad news is I can’t remember the name of the sponsor/ad agency. Oops. That’s a fairly important factor. Perhaps I need to see the 5 sec spot about 6 times? Hey, that would make 30 seconds.

So the challenge goes out to the copywriters and producers. To the engineers and voice over artists. We need a concerted effort to maintain the premier position of the thirty-second spot.

Media Buyers need to be reminded that compared to shorter ads, 30 second advertising messages are more cost efficient and effective at building brand awareness and driving sales.

A 30-second time frame gives the creative writers and producers time to develop a theme or storyline with a beginning, middle and end. Something interesting that the audience will listen to and act on.

Perhaps your advertising agency or the local radio station writers can provide some 30 Second Radio Script Examples.


When paced at about 2 to 3 words per second the average 30 second script will have about 75 words.

As with all media, the amount of time or space needs to be as little as possible but as much as is needed.

Sometimes you need more than thirty seconds. However, to include all the information needs too many words. The listener will just shut it all out. The Sales Director will want to include every last detail. Somewhere there has to be a voice of reason.

Rather than rush to get all the extra words in or make the engineering speed everything up, why not divide the story into two and have two award-winning 30 Second Script Examples.

Friday 6 January 2023

Nz Voiceovers


The bearded Conchita Wurst sang about “Where have all the good men gone?”

Grammy girl Paula Cole questioned “Where have all the cowboys gone”? And as bitter as her lyrics are to listen to, she can do my laundry any day!

Then Mika hit us with the LGBTQIA lament; “Where have all the good guys gone?”

I have a question too. Where have all the voices gone, long time passing? No this is not the opening line to a Joan Baez song parody. Nor is this a dirge for deceased voice talent.

Luckily the voice over artists here in NZ and around the world have not all gone. On the contrary, they are readily available to you through the best Voice Talent Agency Auckland has to offer.


I hear you calling, pleading, nay begging for the answer. What’s the name of this project saving source of fantastic voice talent. Read on and all will be revealed.

At over 1.6 million Auckland is the most populous city in the nation. The “City of Sails” is also handy to regional centres like Tauranga with 110,000 people 2½ hour’s drive away; Hamilton with 152,000 just over an hour away and Rotorua’s 65,000 within 2¾ hours.

That lot totals up to 40% of the country’s population and given that Auckland is the major business hub, it makes sense that a high percentage of Kiwi voice over talent would be residents of the area.

However you might be seeking a voice actor from Australia, the Asia-Pacific, the UK, USA, or Europe. Wherever!

You can be sure of getting the voice you envisage through Media Group NZ the most progressive Voice Talent Agency Auckland has at your sevice.


Just what are you looking for in a voice actor? Do you want a male or female voice? What age group? Ethnicity or accent? Hard sell, soft sell? Head online to listen to samples of the amazing range of voices available right now.

When you hear a potential winner, ask for a free online quote. If you’re happy with the price, but still not 100% sure of your choice, then providing your script(s) will run more than 60 seconds you may request a “free demo”. This is the no-risk way to choose a new voice over talent.

Get in for yours at