Friday 17 March 2023

New Zealand Voice Over Actors


It seems to this writer that all the world over, radio stations and television networks sound and appear very similar in many ways.

This observation seems to hold up under scrutiny whether the broadcaster is a nationally sponsored quasi-government institution, a public company listed on the local bourse or if it is privately owned and operated.

Of course, the eternal dollar will be the determining factor in deciding the level of success each individual operation has achieved.

The programming will vary in some ways but overall the news bulletins, sports and weather reports will be almost identical.


In the commercial arena where brands are investing big bucks in advertising, even the TV ads and radio spots are mere clones of the formats and selling scenarios developed over the past 100 years in the good ole USA.

This similarity is often passed off as part of “globalisation”. Perhaps, but it also helps improve the bottom line. Think of the money saved on production budgets where the same product shot or music track can be shared worldwide.

Global brands like KFC, Maccas, Nestle, Coke, and Pepsi have vast libraries of “hero” shots available to their ad agencies in every country. These idealistic presentations of their products take hours to set, light and retouch into perfection.

The same is not the case for the lyrics in the jingle or the announcer voice over. The song will have to be re-sung and voices re-recorded in the language in each market.

For New Zealand Voice Over Artists & Actors, a great deal of work is derived in re-creating commercial audio for the local market.

It’s distinctive and unique. Even in the quietest moments, there’s no mistaking New Zealand in the room. So when recording the audio track for a TV or radio spot planned for the market “down under” it is essential to source the right voice.

Today you can jump online and begin auditioning New Zealand Voice Over Artists & Actors with a mouse click or screen tap on a PC, laptop or smartphone.

You’ll get to hear samples of real New Zealand professional voice talent performing various reads from previous jobs. Your search will be targeted with voices classified by gender, age group and style. Head now to

Friday 3 March 2023

Creative Answering Machine Greetings


Fundamentally, your business has a phone message framework. You believe that a way should arrive at clients who get in touch with you after your business hours - each lead is a likely sell. A creative answering machine greeting adheres to these rules:

  • Communicates in the language of your crowd
  • Regards phone message behaviour for your industry
  • Is occasionally refreshed

Occasional phone messages, good tidings for these special seasons, Thanksgiving, and even Halloween voice message good tidings are really smart for some organizations.

Innovative and amusing voice message messages are extraordinary for less proper organizations yet might be inappropriate for formal ones. Assuming that imagination is an aspect of your responsibilities depiction, make certain to sprinkle a scramble into your phone message.


Ways to draw in guests with proficient voice message good tidings.

Keep proficient voice message good tidings brief however valuable.

Pass anything data or menu choices you need to give guests as compactly as could be expected. You could likewise consider telling guests toward the finish of your message how they can sidestep it later. Keep in mind: Your clients and possibilities are occupied individuals.

Record modified good tidings for various seasons of the day.

You could make them welcome to play during business hours and another for nighttime. Each could pass different data important on to the time frame.

Give guests a choice to get more data.

At times, guests need to know your working hours, area, or other data. Giving guests a voice message menu to get the data they need saves everybody time.

Request input.

Do you have loads of fulfilled clients? Give them a phone message choice to record a short tribute about why they love your item or administration. With their consent, you could probably involve the best tributes in your showcasing or promotion.

Likewise, you could give a phone message menu choice empowering guests to hear your best tributes. In the case of nothing else, productive criticism, whether positive or negative, can assist you with further developing the client experience.

Use humour (mindfully).

If you can somehow make your active message interesting or another, all the better. The humour ought to be elegant and in arrangement with your image. Furthermore, it shouldn't impede empowering clients and possibilities to fulfilling the justification behind their call.

Enlighten guests regarding your present advancement.

Is it safe to say that you offer a deal on your item or administration through a creative answering machine greeting? Inform guests concerning the advancement and how they can exploit it.

Request that guests leave important messages.

To limit getting back to this way and urge guests to be as explicit as conceivable about why they're calling. Additionally, request that Media Group let you know the best time(s) to get back.