Friday 28 April 2023

Radio Advertising Examples


The number of lollies in the pack may be the same but have you noticed how the individual sweets have gone anorexic. The old wrappers are too large for the tiny new temptations. The same thing is happening on the radio.

The workhorse of radio advertising has long been the 30 second spot. But times have and are continuing to change. In particular, the time allotted for properly paced commercials is changing.

The sacred 30 seconds is under threat of erosion. As an endangered species, the radio 30 could soon turn out like the 15 and 20-second verbal blitzkrieg versions we see on free to air TV.


On a recent visit to the West Isle, there was a 5 second TV spot on Gold Coast television. Yes, a 5 second stand lone TV spot. Now here comes both the good and bad news. On the good side, I think it was for an online ad agency so it showed a certain brave new world approach.

The bad news is I can’t remember the name of the sponsor/ad agency. Oops. That’s a fairly important factor. Perhaps I need to see the 5 sec spot about 6 times? Hey, that would make 30 seconds.

So the challenge goes out to the copywriters and producers. To the engineers and voice over artists. We need a concerted effort to maintain the premier position of the thirty-second spot.

Media Buyers need to be reminded that compared to shorter ads, 30 second radio advertising messages are more cost efficient and effective at building brand awareness and driving sales.

A 30-second time frame gives the creative writers and producers time to develop a theme or storyline with a beginning, middle and end. Something interesting that the audience will listen to and act on.

Perhaps your advertising agency or the local radio station writers can provide some 30 Second Radio Script Examples.


When paced at about 2 to 3 words per second the average 30 second script will have about 75 words.

As with all media, the amount of time or space needs to be as little as possible but as much as is needed.

Sometimes you need more than thirty seconds. However, to include all the information needs too many words. The listener will just shut it all out. The Sales Director will want to include every last detail. Somewhere there has to be a voice of reason.

Rather than rush to get all the extra words in or make the engineering speed everything up, why not divide the story into two and have two award-winning 30 Second Radio Script Examples.

If you’re stuck for an idea for a new radio script or having a bout of writer’s block call on the business audio experts at Media Group NZ. Get access to experienced producers and superior scripts developed by skillful copywriters. Head to

Saturday 15 April 2023

Voice over Agency in Auckland

Voice over agency in Auckland is creators and entertainers. We assist with bringing content, a story, to life. While your showcasing video probably won't need the voice-over abilities of an absolute, high-profile star, you'll, in any case, believe your information should be passed on as imagined.

Need a calming voice to showcase your resting sound machine? Might it be said that you are searching for a Morgan-Freeman-type voice for your effective public assistance declaration?

Since voice over agency in Auckland provides proper great assistance, they can adjust and bring flexibility that the normal individual can't.

Media Group's innovative senior producer is a voice-over artist. Their vocation began with acting, singing, and coordinating classes in school. Over the long haul, her professional way drove her to learn after-creation strategies and programming for both video and sound.

Being on the creation side of media-trained her on the tones and accentuation to tune in for and the nature of a recording.

After enough clients began keeping their scratch tracks (impermanent voice peruses that an illustrator or video editorial manager uses to time their video until the last, proficient voice is recorded), it became clear that she had an ability for voice acting. Many voice-overs (VO) artisans of the voice over agency in Auckland start their vocations.

Besides being entertainers, voice artisans are regularly likewise solid architects who can tidy up their sound, ace it, or even add music, contingent upon a task's requirements. We additionally may have their own studio space and recording hardware (more on this in the blink of an eye).

We're experts who comprehend a client's necessities according to a business viewpoint, including regarding the client's time and correspondence inclinations.

Other than the impressive skill of the actual voice, the appropriate hardware and innovation used to catch a voice-over build the general nature of a video. There's a major contrast between recording sound on your iPhone and keeping sound on a top-notch mouthpiece in a sound-treated room. Numerous expert voice abilities have their recording hardware. Some even have their own sound recording stalls.

This implies you have the capacity and choice of recruiting the right voice-over craftsman for your venture in any place they might be. Also, voice over agency in Auckland is all over the place and are accessible at most times.

Saturday 1 April 2023

After-hours Voicemail Message Examples


Just because the sun has set doesn’t mean you’ve closed the business. Life goes on and opportunities arise. However your After Hours Voicemail Script For Business might be chasing callers away.

It happens all the time with Voicemail greetings that sound like they were penned in the middle of a train crash and recorded by someone crawling from the wreckage.


Over the years you’ve probably heard some pretty poor examples of what passes for an After Hours Voicemail Script For Business. Hopefully as you read this you are not recalling some of your own recorded disasters.

What starts as a straight forward task of writing the script becomes a minefield of fiddling doubt. In the morning you work on the wording. After a review perhaps you drop in an extra comma. Then later in the day you decide to take that comma out? (apologies to Oscar Wilde).

Finally when you tire of fiddling with the phrases you take a big breath and hit record. That’s probably the last you think of it. Big mistake! Remember that message is representation of you and your company.

You both deserve better. Especially in regard to your “business image”. It’s time to call on the audio expertise of Media Group NZ.


The team at Media Group NZ will create your scripts with that inimitable je ne sais quoi. That certain creative flair that helps build on your unique personality and differentiates you from competitors.

It’s so simple to have it done better. Tell Media Group NZ what you want to say and they will tell you how best to say it. When you have approved the wording for the script you’ll get to select the ideal voice to record your Voicemail greetings.

Online you’ll be able to listen to sample recordings from a wide range of professional male and female voice over artists. Make your choice and set the wheels in motion.

With everything happening online you’ll have your new Voicemail recordings delivered with minimum fuss and time saving ease.

Start here and give your image a boost with a professionally produced After Hours Voicemail Script For Business.