Thursday 17 December 2020

Best Voicemail Greetings for Your Business

Probably one of the most important, but often overlooked tools in your business arsenal is your Voicemail Greeting For Work.

Every time a phone call from a customer gets an answer, be they new business or one of long standing, you’re building on that special client service relationship.

Trouble only begins when the phone goes unanswered and the caller is left bewildered and probably a tad angry. In this day and age it simply shouldn’t happen.

Heed the warning bells

The sound of a telephone ringing-out is a warning bell to the caller and a death knell to the success of a business.

The caller will be left thinking these guys just don’t give a flying fancy for me! On any scale of customer service that caller will rate the business well below par.

The net result to you might be losing the customer and inadvertently helping a competitor win a new account.

More is the pity because the cure to this situation is simple. Set up a Voicemail Greeting For Work.

Your Voicemail will not only answer the call but also provide a facility to invite the caller to record a message and request a call back.

No rocket science required

While you can probably dash off a few words and record your own Voicemail Message every DIY Voicemail comes with its own cringe factor built-in.

Plus to make the most effective use of Voicemail you will need to create a few recordings to cover various scenarios. You might be away for the holiday season or out of the office for the afternoon etc.

Take the cheese not the chalk

The most impactful way to prevent DIY cringe is to have you Voicemail Messages produced and recorded by the audio specialists at Media Group NZ.

There’s a vast difference in the company image you project when the script has been crafted by a seasoned copywriter and a professional voice artist has read the script.

At Media Group NZ you will be able to choose the male and/or female voices you believe will best represent your business image.

You can hear actual samples of the voices available online. Have a listen and make a decision. You can also enquire about costs, updates, special effects and music you might want to include in the recording.

If you have a jingle or sung tagline you can include that to help add personality to your Voicemail Messages. With Media Group NZ the sky is not the limit!

Friday 11 December 2020

Things to Include in a Voice-mail Message

If you experience some difficulty putting together a script or finding the right words to record on the answering machine you’re going to love this idea. Simply let the experts at Media Group NZ do it all for you.

Do you need a Script for a Church Answering Machine or professional voice over talent to record that script? Your prayers will come to fruition here and now with help from Media Group NZ.


Your business might not be so closely aligned to “The Big Guy”. However you still need to project an impeccable image over the phone.

When people call, they need to be reassured they are dealing with an organisation that cares about exemplary service. They also expect you’ll go the extra kilometre to ensure complete customer satisfaction.

We all know first impressions are important in all relationships. If the first contact is by telephone you should ensure you put across your best and image.

Whether it’s a Script For a Church Answering Machine or the wording in a phone Welcome Greeting to any enterprise you only get one shot at that first impression.


With any pre-recorded telephone message it’s important to make callers feel they are the target of the message. Let them know you value their call.

You should extend the professional quality of your telephone “persona” beyond the message on the answering machine.

Have the experts at Media Group NZ supply a complete package covering your Welcome Greeting, On Hold Music and Messages, Voicemail, After Hours Message and more.


It’s convenient and flexible. Begin by going online to choose the voice or voices that best suit the nature of your operation.

Online you’ll hear actual samples recorded by the range of male and female professional voices available from Media Group NZ.

Make your choice and request a free quote. You may even be able to arrange a free demo to be totally sure of your selection.

It’s a God send.

Saturday 7 November 2020

Voice Agency Christchurch, Auckland & Wellington NZ

For years I laboured under the misapprehension the title Voice Over was another employment opportunity offered by the mob. The other was in Stand Over.

I wasn’t sure if I should say “Voice Over” or “Voiceover”. I presumed one way was the old Sicilian style and the other a New York influence. I was concerned.

Everybody knows what Stand Over means with the mob. It means lots of standing around looking tough. Maybe a smoke drooping from your lower lip. You know the non-filter type. It’s always flopping around on the lip but never comes unstuck.

Stand Over means being able to block an entire doorway with your eyebrows. It means having friends in high places who are scared of what you might know. And scared friends in low places who might know all the details.

The title Stand Over isn’t meant to be taken literally. Sure the mob leans on people but that should be regarded as more of an incentive scheme.

These days Stand Over is a misnomer. Standing astride a person like some Colossus in a double breasted suit hardly fits the genteel approach favoured by most modern hitmen. (Advice to ex-spies; Don’t drink tea with strangers who smoke Russian cigarettes) 


What Does A Voice Over Do? Unlike the aforementioned Stand Over, it’s highly unlikely that a Voice Over will pull a gun on you and demand all your money. Or even do their best Colossus of Roads impression. Unless you would like to hear an audio interpretation of that legendry oversized Greek.

A Voice Over is an audio actor. A person who articulates the words crafted by a scriptwriter on subjects ranging from breakfast cereal to more interesting topics such as the mating habits of newts and more. Stay tuned for the special expose on   banning TV reporting of live coral spawning until after 10pm.

So if you need of a Voice Over, to whom do you turn? Someone to breathe life into the script for your radio or TV commercial. A talent who can create interest in a presentation on any topic.

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Welcome Message Examples

Often the welcome mat to your business is put out over the telephone. So it’s important to get the job done right. After all, you don’t want to risk chasing away prospective businesses.

Even existing clients won’t be too impressed if you greet them with a badly worded, poorly spoken, and static–ridden recording.

Sharpen your pencil to the max

You may feel quite daunted when it comes to writing a script, even if it is only a short greeting. Knowing How To Write A Welcome Message could have you procrastinating over where to begin, let alone deciding what to say and how to say it.

It’s about this time you need to call on the professional help of Media Group the business audio specialists.

Aside from feeling the “weight of the word” (sic) lifting off your shoulders, you’ll soon discover Media Group can also provide your operation with a lot more than How To Write A Welcome Message.

So many questions. So easily answered

Have you considered your After Hours Message or the directions callers are given to leave a Voicemail?

How about providing callers, especially your regulars with the time-saving convenience of an IVR ir Interactive Voice Response. That’s the message that automatically connects callers to the right department or person…Press 1 for Accounts; Press 2 for Service etc.

Then there is the big one. The On Hold program. Who is going to write and record that essential piece of business communications?

Or are you content to risk chasing callers away and bring them to extremes by utilising the mind-numbing, computer generated the rubbish that came built-in to the telephone system?

Worse still! Are you planning to have the aptly named “deathly silence” left to masquerade as your solution to keeping callers on hold?

Ask about a package deal

Step into the 21st century and start maximising Antonio Meucci‘s wonderful invention of 1849. The device later patented by A.G. Bell in 1876 and called the telephone.

Take a small step towards a great leap in your company’s communications here at

Tuesday 11 August 2020

How do you make a personal & professional voicemail greeting on your Phone?

We have all had that experience with the crumby voicemail greeting. You know the one that sounds like the person got out of bed in a bad mood and two gallons of coffee hasn’t helped ease the hangover.

Some might recommend “hair of the dog” to improve the mood and thereby the welcoming qualities of the voicemail.

After the aforementioned canine libation has been consumed re-recording should commence without delay.

As for the script, you need some ideas. To get things rolling you should hear some Personal Voicemail Greeting Examples For Cell Phone.


Research continues to show the importance of two things in phone messages. First the clarity of the wording. Secondly the choice of voice.

Some people are tempted to go the DIY route. Probably not a good idea for the average “joe”. Despite the proliferation of devices capable of recording good audio remember the script and the voice must reflect the business image you desire.

Scripting a typical voicemail greeting job requires the skills of a wordsmith. An expert at home with brevity in both fact and fashionable politeness.

Voicing your telephone greeting is a task for a professional voice over artist. This is no job for a rank amateur. That includes your uncle who used to be in the drama club or the receptionist at the front desk.

Make no mistake, when you compare Personal Voicemail Greeting Examples For Cell Phone you will readily identify the do-it-yourself variety.


Despite all the fun you can have to record your voice and listening to the playback your voicemail is no laughing matter.

Media Group NZ provides expert help with both script writing and voice recording for your telephone audio

When you team up with Media Group your scripts are written in response to your brief. So nothing is recorded without your approval. You are in total control.

With the script complete you need to choose the voice. Media Group make it easy. They’ll recommend male and female voice artists for you. Or you can go online and audition the myriad of voice over talent available through Media Group NZ.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Here's How You Should Write a TV Commercial

In the formulative years of the television industry, there was an acute shortage of capable scriptwriters. There were experienced writers for stage work, radio ads and specialist press copywriters in abundance. However, TV Commercial Script Writing was a new frontier.

While the first television broadcasts went to air in the USA in the late 1920s any form of advertising on television was prohibited. The Federal Communications Commission distributed commercial TV licences to 10 stations in May 1941.  

The first TV Commercial went to air 5 weeks later on July 1, 1941. Prior to the start of a ball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies, viewers were treated to a 10-second spot for Bulova Watches.

From there the floodgates swung open. Advertising grew to be the force behind the TV industry. Just a few decades later in Australia, Sydney TV audiences were being bombarded with commercials that ran 90 seconds. It was a boom time for TV Commercial Script Writing.

The TV industry flourished and socked away the bulk of many nation’s promotional budgets for years. Global advertising giants like McCann-Erickson, the Coca-Cola agency wielded huge influence in world markets.


The once lowly writer of TV commercials rose to god-like stature throughout the Ad Agency fraternity. Along with the reputation came the big bucks.

Copywriters cranking out TV campaigns began taking advantage of their position to move from agency to agency for ever-growing piles of money. They would quickly dump brand loyalty for a bucket of cash. A bit like footballers really??

Many took their work and sometimes appropriated other writer’s stuff to enter in every Advertising Award show. With every award won, their hiring price increased.

The digital revolution created more opportunities for TV Commercial writers and producers. The numbers of writers increased dramatically, however, a lot of chaff survived the threshing and finished up alongside the talented individuals.

Now when you need a competent scriptwriter you can waste days sorting the rubbish scribblers from the talented writers.


Media Group have assembled a dynamic team of experienced script writers. They’re available now to work on your brief for new TV Commercial scripts.

Don’t get caught in the same old rut if the results keep disappointing. Head to where you’ll get a fresh approach from a team that loves trying something new.

Sunday 14 June 2020

Professional voice over services

We source only the world’s leading voice artists to ensure your project is of the highest standards.

Free Quote

Voice Over Artists

Finding a voice over. Two choices. First place a call to Media Group NZ. Next. Well, there are second options but we strongly urge you to go for the first choice.
The second choice requires you to hunt high and low to find a voice over talent that may possibly be suitable for the project. Or possibly not.

In the process you might blow the budget, screw the deadline and exacerbate the trending hair-loss situation. 

Far better you should choose option one. Media Group NZ

Go direct to the source

Everyone has a different way of describing a voice. At best you may be able to communicate the “genre” of the voice you seek. However nothing beats hearing the sound of that voice. You’ll be shouting. “Yes. That’s what we are after”.

Click to hear voice samples online

Whatever voice the project requires we have it. Male or female from teens to seniors. 

On the Media Group NZ home page you can begin by clicking on to sample recordings of the sort of voice you have in mind. Search by gender, age group, style, accent or origin.

Request a quote and maybe a free demo

Select the fee quote button at the top of the page. Follow the prompts and we will email the quote.
If you want a demonstration read from your chosen voice talent we may be able to arrange that free of charge too. Ask for details.

Get cracking now. Click here



Well scripted, professionally voiced messages on your business telephone can be a powerful marketing tool for products and services. Contact Media Group now and enquire how to get started.

Listen and book premium New Zealand and International voice artists.

Entice customers into your store and promote your products and in-store promotions to them with an In Store Music and Messaging system.

Telephone Messages On Hold is a cost effective marketing channel that is a must for all businesses.

Your Welcome Message, also referred to as an "Auto Attendant" message, is the first image that is projected to your callers of your business. Booking the correct voice artist and music strengthens your brand and creates a professional image to your callers.

An essential part of your phone system is the After Hours message.

An essential part of your phone system is the After Hours message.

Menu Prompts or IVR Prompts are stages through the telephone system that can guide your callers through informative announcements prior to answering.

Similar to On Hold Messages, Queue Messages are unique to certain transfer groups or lines. If a caller is transferred to say the accounts team, specific queue messages can play that relate to accounts matters.

If your phone system requires additional Onhold Equipment to play your informative & entertaining messages on hold, then you can rest assured we have the latest technology to suit your telephone system. We stock the leading MOH1200 systems.

We have handed picked the best voice artists to professionally be available to record all telephone messages.

Make a lasting impression with your telephone messages and get our team of copywriters to devise a script for you.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Before You Hire Voiceover Talent, Ask These Questions


Monday, early. You. Yes, you the lucky one, it’s OK we know you’re the boss’s pet. You are now in charge of selecting the voice artist for the new TV commercial.

Now that doesn’t sound like a bad way to start the week. But if you are new to the task there are Questions to Ask Before Hiring Voice Over Talents.

You could run up a quick checklist. Start with the question of who and include, what, where, when, for how long, copyrights, residuals, and contingencies.

And how much?


There’s only one way to identify the voice actor with the style and tone you have in mind for a job. You need to hear a recent recording by the talent, preferably reading a script with the sort of “feel” you want in the performance.

Media Group, the business audio specialists is a great place to start. On their website, you’ll be able to click on hundreds of samples recorded by some of the best male and female professional voice over artists.

When you hear a voice that you believe may be right for the job and you need to find out a cost all you do is click on the button labelled “free online quote”.

To cut right to the chase once you have identified the voice or at least a candidate, and you have a quote from Media Group, discussions will continue so have a list ready with Questions to Ask Before Hiring Voice Over Talents.

As you know it is always wise to agree on the cab fare before getting into a “tuk-tuk”.

A lot of problems can be pre-empted and skirted with careful planning and attention to any un-dotted-eyes and un-crossed-tees.

In a few emails and phone calls, the seasoned experts at Media Group will have everything sorted.

If there is still a lingering doubt over the voice and a demo recording is required that can be arranged free of charge. The demo would involve a recording of the preferred talent reading an extract from the actual script.

When complete a link will be sent to allow access to the finished demo for review and final assessment of the voice before heading into full production.

Take the lead. Head on over to  

Friday 13 March 2020

Messages On Hold New Zealand Address

Nobody said there’d be days like these 

You know those days when Murphy takes over? You remember Murphy don’t you? He’s the Irish Bar Room Philosopher who created Murphy’s Law which states that “what can go wrong, will only go wrong at the worst possible time”. 

Well that may be true, but it’s not as full of impending doom as O’Brien’s Law which states very succinctly that “Murphy was an optimist”.

Sometimes in business there are days that make even Mr O’Brien appear like a glass half-full kind of guy.

When the s-h-one-t collides with the fan

It starts the moment you get into work. Some nut is parked in your reserved car space. The rain starts just as you get out of the car. That’s when you remember lending your umbrella to the neighbour.

For some reason your key to the office doesn’t fit the lock. You’ve picked up the wrong keys when you rushed out of the house because you were running late.

A half an hour later, still dripping spilt coffee from your shirt sleeve, the phones are ringing non-stop. It’s about then you wish you had got around to organising the new On Hold program for the updated telephone system.

Someone suggested getting Messages On Hold New Zealand Address, however that obviously never happened.

Now callers are getting frustrated hearing your phones ring out. You are now not only annoying existing customers but also losing new business opportunities.

A rainbow’s end

Suddenly amid all the turmoil a voice comes into your head and reminds you about Media Group NZ. Your mind races and recalls the line “business audio specialists”.

Media Group NZ will write and produce your own bespoke program of On Hold Messages and Music at a surprising reasonable cost.

Plus Media Group NZ copywriters will craft a great script based on your brief. All you have to do is approve the script and hire the professional voice over artist of your choice from line-up at Media Group NZ.

As for the music, it’s another win for you. You’ll get to select the sort of music you think best represents your company’s desired image from a library of Royalty Free Music. That means no annual music licence fees to pay.

Forget about Murphy and Obrien and the Messages On Hold New Zealand Address.
The sun is breaking through. All is bright in the world and getting better every moment. Seize the day. Click on

Thursday 5 March 2020

Authentic New Zealand Voiceover Artist

Things may not be all they appear to be

Over the years South East Asia has been awash with counterfeit designer brand products. You probably never imagined an Armani suit could be that cheap? Or the flashy pair of Nike sneakers the guy is selling came from his friend’s factory.

Bangkok and Hong Kong were rife with imitations. Even in squeaky clean Singapore, you stood a good chance of being accosted by a friendly tout with the call of “Copy watch! Copy watch?”
This was more likely to happen in the centre of the island republic on Orchard Road outside Lucky Plaza. Or walking along Scotts Road, near the pedestrian overpass.

Even many of the pretty girls plying their trade by night were not always what they appeared to be. A fact many an unwary customer only realised when they discovered their sweet little painted doll came equipped with a “bonus package”.

It’s sort of like a “Sports Barbie”. The one that comes complete with bat and balls.

What you hear is what you get

It’s not just clothes and watches in the rip-off basket. Music has long been a victim of this fraud. In the night markets of Hat Yai, Thailand you could score a discount issue of a recording featuring Nirvana’s greatest hits.

Then back safe in the hotel room home you realise the CD cover is a photocopy. Worse still, the music includes the sound of passing motorbikes and the faker’s kids playing around in the background! 

Dear old Tchaikovsky could also be misrepresented. The copy of Symphony No. 6 “Pathetique” in B Minor, Opus 74–IV. Adagio Lamentoso which was purchased in good faith may not sound as polished as you had hoped.

That’s when you find out it was not performed by the London Philharmonic or the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, but instead it’s an unknown artist recorded playing a synthesised arrangement on a Kurtzweil keyboard.   

The voice on the ad may not be genuine

When you’re searching for an Authentic New Zealand Voiceover Artist you need to be sure of getting what you ordered.

Voices can be easy to imitate. Everybody does Humphrey Bogart.  Although in the film Casablanca he never said the line “Play it again Sam” it’s the jumping off point for every mimic. A bit like the fake Sean Connery “Surely Shirley” or a Mick Dundee “That’s not a knife…that’s a knife”.

The unique qualities of an New Zealand accent are difficult if not impossible to reproduce for those not born and raised in New Zealand.

Unwary Producers can fall for something that sounds like it was recorded by an Authentic New Zealand Voiceover Artist only to suffer the ignominy of an amused audience.

When you’re looking around for the genuine item, the true blue New Zealand voice, that fair-dinkum, bonza, beaut sound of the land down-under, beat a path straight to 

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Speaking to the world

Whether you are operating on a global scale or marketing to specific segments within multicultural Australia there are times you need Translation Services for Audio.

Perhaps you have existing Advertising & Promotions material that needs to be translated from another language into English.
Type caption for image (optional)

Or you may be in the process of creating new marketing and advertising in English but will require the audio to be recorded in a language other than English.

Face it, you will be wasting the A&P budget if your audience doesn’t comprehend the words being spoken. However, not all direct word to word translations will be fit for the purpose.

There are some blatant examples of translations with a “failure to communicate”. In Taiwan the slogan “Coke Adds Life” was originally translated as “Coke brings your ancestors back from the grave”.

Your translator needs to be aware of local vernacular especially with the phraseology common on TV and Radio. The translation is not going to communicate if it sounds stiff and formal. Audiences all over the world are accustomed to less stringent use of vocabulary and grammatical structure in ads.

Choose wisely

You could easily fall into the trap of basing your decision purely on cost. But as we all know in life, cheap is usually not the way to go.

All Translation Services for Audio are not created equal. It’s important to establish that the translator you engage is experienced in both the language you require and modern audio production techniques.

Media Group, the business audio specialists, have the jump on the competition because they not only provide the translation but also the voice over artists who will feature on the recording.

Many of the voice over professionals from Media Group are native speakers of a language other than English.

Media Group own and operate their own state of the art digital studios. This means the turn-around time is fast and the recordings you receive will be of the highest audio quality.

When you have a script that needs to be translated and recorded in English or any modern language there’s only one destination.