Wednesday 8 September 2021

On hold messages for business

Your business telephone system is a powerful tool when you utilise all the potential it encompasses. In order to unlock all that power you need to work closely with an On Hold And Phone Audio Provider. 

With expertly scripted and professionally recorded audio on your phone you can present your business to the world in a style and manner that positions you well ahead of competitors.

Start with the best

When you choose Media Group as your On Hold And Phone Audio Provider you will be projecting the image you desire for your enterprise. You’ll be perceived as a no-nonsense operation. One that cares deeply about its services and products.

Most importantly you will come across as a company that makes every caller feel they are the most important customer of all.

Begin with a warm welcome

You telephone audio should include a number of essentials including The Welcome Message. This is a short friendly greeting and may include an Auto Attendant.

The Auto Attendant helps direct calls to the correct desk or department... For Sales Press 1. For Service Press 2 and so on.

All your telephone messages from Media Group will be written succinctly, recorded clearly and spoken by a professional Voice Over Artist.

When everybody has gone home

There should be an After Hours Message that not only advises callers of your opening hours but also invites them to call back. 

Your telephone system may have the capability to record a short message. In this case the caller can include their contact details to facilitate your return call. The one rule is of course always remember to make the call-back!  

You may need Voice Bank messages recorded for times when the intended recipient is away from their desk

Keep ‘em happy on the line

The quickest way to undermine your credibility is to place a caller on hold and leave them in a limbo world of silence. Or subject them to boring computer chimes.

An On hold Program from Media Group will help reduce the number of callers who simply hang up and go elsewhere. It will include well written messages about your products and services combined with quality music. 

Thursday 2 September 2021

New Zealand Voice Talent Agency

 Once a convict always a…

Why is it that across the ditch on the “West Isle” Aussies think it’s cool to adopt Kiwi stuff and claim it as their own? I’m not just talking about a big chestnut horse or a style of fleecy-lined boots. Or even a delicious meringue desert.  

The real kidnapping involves some very talented Kiwis. Musicians, actors, footballers, entrepreneurs, and more.

The list is endless. Singers and entertainers like Ricky May (vale), Max Merritt and the Meteors, Neil Finn, and depending on the mood his brother Tim.

If NZ wasn’t in the band name Split Enz might have been claimed en masse. Although to be fair Neil did cross over to the dark side when he joined Aussies Paul Hester (vale) and Nick Seymour to form Crowded House.

Some of Australia’s best voice artists also began life in the land of the “long white cloud”. Actor and rugby league aficionado Russell Crowe tops the current list.

However, the ground was pioneered by the talents of Peter Gwynne (vale) and his wife Cecily Polson. You will remember Cecily from films like “Muriel’s Wedding” and “See no Evil”. She also starred in the Aussie TV series “E Street”.

It would be remiss not to highlight the greatest corporate Voice Over guy ever, Paul Ricketts (aka Scott Newman, aka Doctor Ricketts). Sadly the world lost Paul in 2018.
Break out of the rut

So today when you need a voice over for your next project head to the best Professional Voice Talent Agency New Zealand has to offer. Media Group NZ.

You could pussy-foot around all month auditioning amateurs. What a waste. All you need is a few clicks on the mouse or taps on a screen and Media Group NZ will deliver.

Everything happens online. At the Media Group NZ website, you’ll hear samples of previous recordings by an immense array of voice over artists.

To help hone your selection the voices are classified by gender, age group, style, and ethnicity.

As the most experienced Professional Voice Talent Agency New Zealand can provide, Media Group NZ will ensure you find the right voice every time.

When you have made a choice, ask for a free online quote. If the budget is in the order you can also make a request for your preferred talent to supply a free demo read using an excerpt your script. Too easy!