Friday 17 November 2023



Being on hold has become a common occurrence –88 per cent of callers preferred on-hold messages over other hold options, and 16-20 per cent completed a purchase due to an on-hold offer.

Don't let a chance to educate and entertain your callers pass you by. You need to know how to create on hold messages that your caller will love to engage callers and reassure them that they are in control. All that is required is the proper script, the correct voice, and routine updates sprinkled with a dash of innovation.



Follow the subsequent points in mind when writing a killer script that your callers will respond to:

• Speak to your audience: When writing a script, it's critical to remember WHO you're speaking to. Is golf more popular with mothers, youngsters, or middle-aged men? With a captive voice, appeal to their interests regarding your business, and they will be far more receptive to listening (and be patient while doing so).


• Time it appropriately: Because you know your business better than anyone else, you're undoubtedly aware of the average hold time for a caller


• Remain current: Because some businesses have seasonal sales and changes, integrating this information in your script as the year advances to ensure that you stay current on the latest and greatest.


• Be natural: Consider how you would like to be addressed. Typically, the first thing that comes to mind is not a robot. Ensure that you read your script aloud and run it by co-workers or acquaintances. If they become bored or disengaged, your callers are likely to do the same.


• Be aware of their path: What is your desired outcome for your caller? Customize your message to them based on what you discover.


• Provide a call back option: If your phone system supports this function and a caller does not have time to wait on hold, provide them with the choice of receiving a callback or leaving a message without impacting their position in line. This can help lessen the stress associated with waiting.


On Hold Messages assist you in avoiding the issue of callers being left "dangling" and possibly hanging up! Additionally, they help you in projecting an image of a profitable and well-run business. A business that genuinely cares about its consumers and handles callers with dignity: at Media Group, each program of On Hold Messages is custom-designed to entertain and instruct your callers. We create announcements that are meticulously scripted and read by experienced voice artists. The messages tell recipients about your business, its products and services, as well as any ongoing promotions, special events, or sales activities. We then intersperse these messages with instrumental music tracks that are specifically tailored to your client profile.

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