Wednesday 22 May 2024


 The challenge of finding the best voice talent for a project has traditionally been an area of poor time management and soul-destroying frustration.

In my early years producing advertising, I dreamed of being able to access a Voice Marketplace. Somewhere I could audition professional voice over artists without chasing all over to various studios and agents.

Back then I would have gladly taken the train across town and stood in line at the check-out if I knew I would be successful in finding that ever-illusive set of tonsils.



Today that pipe dream is a reality. I’m not talking about a place named the Voice Marketplace, but something far better.

A company dedicated to business audio solutions.

A firm where I can audition professional voice talent with no obligations and no time restrictions. At any time of day, I can listen to sample recordings by all the various voice artists.

A place where I can share the samples with a colleague or two so we can draw up a shortlist of voice artists who we believe are right for the job.

At the same time being able to get an accurate estimate of costs and the availability of the selected talent. No joy in recommending a voice only to find out she’s on maternity leave or he’s gone fishing.

The solution

While the word marketplace is not in the name, the answer to locating the voice you need is Media Group, the business audio specialists.

When you work with the Media Group everything happens online. Auditioning the talent. On-line quotes. You can even arrange a free demo of the chosen talent recording an extract from your script.

The free demo makes the process of choosing a new voice talent totally foolproof.

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