Thursday 6 June 2024




If you want to see your customers satisfied and not frustrated, try incorporating an engaging on-hold message. It is a well-known fact that customers get seriously irritated when put on hold for a longer period. On-hold messages can save you from a situation of call-drop and having a long list of dissatisfied customers.

However, before you use this tool, you must know what you should include in such messages and increase customer retention through them. 

Continue reading, as in this post we will walk you through all the things that you must include in your on-hold messages. You will get an idea as to what constitutes a captivating on-hold message and what things you should remember while creating one. 

  • Introduction or Greetings: To gain the trust of your callers you must add a personal touch to your interactions, right from the beginning. Even if you are using an automated on-hold messaging system ensure that you add a warm welcome message for a personalized touch. It will encourage your callers to listen to the entire message and they will be more patient doing this.
  • Restate Your Brand Name: You can always reinstate your brand name by telling your callers about your business. You can include your business tagline to reinforce your branding and tell people about everything that you have to offer. You can always check out our on hold messages for business examples for reference. 
  • Give a time estimate: Within-hold messages, you can let your callers know what the average waiting time is. This way, their expectations will be set right and they will not find waiting on hold boring and frustrating. You can consider incorporating a message like “ All our operators are busy at the current moment, we'll connect you with them as quickly as we can.” Or “Your current waiting time is approximately 10 minutes. Thank you for your patience.” 
  • Insert offers or promotions: On-hold messages are a great way to promote your products or services. You can make the most of such messages by inserting information about your current offers and discounts. Consider referring to our on hold messages for business examples to get the idea of what we are talking about.  



You can go through our on hold messages for business examples to better understand our approach. We discuss the business objectives with all our clients and then create messages that are in sync with their brand image. Your business goals should be reflected in your on-hold messages in the most concise manner. 

We, therefore, create messages that highlight both, your long and short term business goals. Plus, our experts keep in mind the average waiting tie and therefore fit the messages in specific time duration.



Connect with our experts today itself and get the best script for your on-hold messages. 

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