Tuesday 11 June 2024


It is always a good idea to engage your callers or customers through interesting on-hold messages as they wait for an agent to attend their call. 

Appealing on-hold messages that will engage your callers is a great marketing tool in the long run. All you need to create a great on-hold message is a well-written script and the right voice-over talent. 

Things to keep in mind while creating an On-Hold Message: 

Forging ahead in creating an enticing on-hold message, you must keep your target audience in mind who wish to avail of your services or buy your products. So, you must provide all the relevant information that will be helpful to people.  

Get the best samples for your on-hold messages: 

At Mediagroup, we will create unrivaled on-hold messages for you. You can check out our hold message examples and templates to get an idea of what we have to offer.  

Types of On-Hold Messages:

There are many types of on-hold messages that we can draft for you. Here are a few examples to give you a brief idea:

  • Introductory Messages: The introductory messages are all about giving the details of the organization to the caller. It provides general information about the company and all the information you want the caller to have.  
  • Informational Messages: Informational messages provide the caller with all the details about the product, service, or support information. You can leverage such messages as an opportunity to cross-sell items to the customers to increase the chances of increasing sales. 
  • Helpful Messages: Such messages are usually meant to improve the caller experience speedily, such as messages related to the steps for problem resolution, troubleshooting steps, information about a business location, any organizational change that might have happened recently, etc.  
  • Occasional Messages: Occasional and time-sensitive messages include information that is relevant only for a limited period. For example, messages related to special events, holidays, awareness programs, disease prevention days, time-limited promotional discounts, etc.  

Aforesaid are a very few of the many hold message examples that we create for our clients. We hope that these on-hold messaging examples have given you some inspiring ideas for your on-hold messaging script. The on-hold messages offer you an opportunity to connect with your callers. 

Now that you know all about on-hold messages, please feel free to reach out to us and get the best quote for your scripts of the same. Our experts will create customized messages that will suit your business requirements. 

For more details, please visit our website.

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